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The Daily Bruin is a community news source. We believe that hearing from you, the reader, is important. Quality comments lend additional insight and information to stories, explore different viewpoints of an issue and let us know about things we may have overlooked.

As a public forum, the Daily Bruin is committed to free and open discussion on our platforms. However, we reserve the right to moderate comments on our online platforms. All moderated comments, including those which are removed outright, will be identified through a response from an official Daily Bruin account with our policy-based reasoning for the decision.

A sample response: “Comments by readers have been removed for [justification], which violates the community guidelines of the Daily Bruin.”

We reserve the right to moderate comments which:

  • Contain an identity-based slur or swear. Slurs based on race, gender, sexuality and disability fall under this category.
  • Contain an incitement or call to physical violence.
  • Contain extreme obscene or vulgar material.
  • Pose an invasion of privacy to a source. For example, comments may not solicit the phone number, address or other contact information of a named or unnamed individual in Daily Bruin content. Any such requests should be directed to a Daily Bruin email account, so our team can obtain consent before personal information is made public.
  • Contain commercial promotion, especially if a product or service is unrelated to the topic at hand.
  • Contain verifiably false information. In this case, an official Daily Bruin account will state which elements of the comment are false and where credible evidence of the information’s falsity can be found.

Additional comments may be moderated at the discretion of the Daily Bruin editor in chief. A justification for any such moderation will be provided from an official Daily Bruin account

Updated September 10, 2020.

This page last updated: September 10, 2020 13:21