This post was updated June 5 at 7:51 p.m.
Recent demonstrations at UCLA have raised questions regarding First Amendment rights and protections afforded to those participating in protests, encampments and other forms of activism on the public school’s campus.
MyUCLA is a bookmarked website on many Bruins’ computers. It houses a multitude of essential functions and information for students, including planning and enrolling in classes, paying for school and generating degree progress reports.
After years of midterms and finals, graduating Bruins look forward to their commencement ceremonies as a way to celebrate their accomplishments. Serving as a culmination of their time at UCLA, commencement marks the beginning of a new chapter in graduates’ lives and also allows graduates to reflect on their years in Westwood.
Amid conversations about climate change and planetary health, advertisements from many different sectors boast eco-friendly messages that may make consumers feel more compelled to choose some products over others.
This post was updated April 15 at 2:38 p.m.
As Bruins spend their days running from class to class, studying, and participating in other activities, caffeine becomes a daily diet staple in order to feel awake and alert throughout their whole day.
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