Incoming students will still have to complete one laboratory course instead of two for the General Education curriculum, after the Undergraduate Council of the Academic Senate recently voted to extend a two-year suspension on the second requirement.
The undergraduate student government is working to bring back the currently unfilled positions of student advocate and faculty representative for next year.
The use of online social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace may be a factor in triggering relapse in adolescents enrolled in substance abuse programs, recent UCLA research suggests.
The Daily Bruin evaluated whether or not candidates met their goals.
During his day job as a postdoctoral researcher in UCLA’s Department of Mathematics, Mark Rosin sits in his sparsely furnished office, getting up to jot down algorithms on his chalkboard and meeting with faculty, staff and graduate students.
In Rob Adler Peckerar’s mind, Jewish students today study more about the destruction of Jewish culture than how it thrived and was experienced by Jews before the devastation of the Holocaust.
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