An anti-abortion bill passed in the House of Representatives on Thursday has raised questions around the nation and at UCLA over women’s reproductive rights.
Since its creation in 1960, the birth control pill has been used by 85 percent of all women at least once in their life.
Before freeways and houses defined what is now urban Los Angeles, the area was an ecosystem of diverse plants and animals that adapted over hundreds of thousands of years to live in the hot, dry climate.
The original Four Loko, which kept people both drunk and wide awake for just $2.30 a can, was pitched as the perfect option for college students looking to drink on a budget.
Joan Silk’s job takes her ““ and her family ““ everywhere.
For patients whose organs have failed, an organ transplant often means another shot at a healthy life.
With space shuttle Discovery’s nose pointed at the stars, a crew of five astronauts wearing modified jet pilot suits ascended more than 200 miles above the earth on Nov.
The wizarding world of Harry Potter is prepared to take over Sunset Canyon Recreation Center on Saturday.
Allison Fassett and Sonal Singh can count the entire UCLA women’s volleyball team among their circle of friends.
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